Pine Tip Blight Disease Treatments Grapevine, TX
Pine Tip Blight: Pine tip disease, also called Diplodia tip blight or pine needle-blight, is caused by the Diplodia fungal infection that attacks pine trees. Grapevine arbor care professionals have been known to encounter this disease in areas that feature beautiful pine trees. The destructive fungus lives through the winter months, invading the tree through damage and wounds. When spring arrives, it becomes the most visible and active. Its effects are evident as new needles grow shorter, become yellower, and eventually turn brown and tan. Every new year’s needle growth is typically killed. In extreme circumstances, even branches can be destroyed.
The disease manifests at the base of the tree and continues upward. Pine needle disease is particularly dangerous to seedling trees that are very young. Fir trees older than thirty years are at greatest risk, especially if the older trees have been damaged by stress or other physical traumas. This deadly fungus prefers mature residential firs, such as those that are common in Grapevine. Don’t hesitate to contact an arborist if you suspect your pine trees may be affected by pine needle blight.
The Diagnosing and Treatment of Pine Tip Blight
Grapevine certified arborists are highly trained and can diagnose the problem quickly. Aside from the obvious needle loss, the fungus can also be seen visually as tiny, black dots similar to black pepper. These small dots appear on infected pin cones, pine needles, and bark. These small black specks can be detected by the tree service professional who will inspect the cones, bark and needles. These dots are often found on fallen needles or cones, so it is crucial to rake all fallen needles and cones. This will prevent further transmission of the threatening infectious diseases. If small resin-like droplets are found on dead needles, a tree company with an experienced plant pathologist may examine them for evidence. If the tree is healthy, an Grapevine arbor care specialist will recommend the correct treatment and establish a regular maintenance plan to keep it healthy.
Pine Tip Blight Disease Treatment
If you’re looking to establish a new outdoor space, professional advice from an Grapevine arborist will be crucial in fighting pine tip blight. Pine tip blight is less common in fir varieties. You must ensure the soil is able to drain and has not been compacted through construction. This will ensure that the roots get adequate nourishment. Pruning infected branches can be done with ease if the tools are sterilized, and the damaged limbs are removed by an experienced tree service. Deep root fertilization ensures that firs with good drainage are strong, resistant and healthy. Fungicides help to prevent pine tip-blight disease. They should be applied regularly by professional arborists. Get in touch with Grapevine’s top arborist. He will provide you with a maintenance schedule and plan to eliminate this dangerous, life-threatening fir disease and prevent its recurrence.